Sets the material associated with a document object
Last updated 12 months ago
Name | Set Material
Nickname | Set Material
Tab | TTToolbox
Panel | Document
Division | 3
*A | Attributes (Generic) | An optional attribute object to update. If empty a new attribute object will be created.
D | Diffuse Color (Colour) | The base color
R | Roughness (Number) | Roughness of the surface from 0.0 mirror to 1.0 diffuse
M | Metalness (Number) | Metalness of the surface from 0.0 stone to 1.0 metal
O | Opacity (Number) | The opacity of the surface from 0.0 transparent to 1.0 opaque
E | Emissive Color (Colour) | The fill color
A | Attribute (Attribute) | A CORE Attribute object
M | Material (Shader) | A Rhino PBR Shader Material