Sharing and Selling Apps
How to use Visibility and Pricing options to share and sell Apps in the Marketplace.
Last updated
How to use Visibility and Pricing options to share and sell Apps in the Marketplace.
Last updated
The Swarm Marketplace provides a few ways to share the Apps you build with other Swarm users. You can share Apps privately with individual users or within your email domain (approved enterprise users only), and you can either sell subscriptions to Apps or give them away for free in the public marketplace.
Which users can access this App in the Marketplace?
When an App is first created, it is private by default - only the Author can see the App in the My Apps section of the Marketplace.
Using the settings outlined below, Authors have the ability to share their Apps with other users in the Marketplace. Once an App becomes accessible in the Marketplace, it can be purchased and installed by other users, and used in the Desktop Clients and the Web Viewer.
Apps can be shared privately with other users by clicking the Add User button, and entering email addresses of other Swarm Users. They will be able to access the App in their My Apps section of the Marketplace.
Apps can be shared privately within an email domain by toggling the Email Domain only switch on. All Swarm users in that organization will be able to access the App in the <insert your organization's name here> section of the Marketplace.
Apps can be shared publicly in the Marketplace. Toggle the Public switch on, and click through the confirmation. All Swarm users will have access to the App in the Marketplace.
Reminder --- no money is actually changing hands at this point! This is in here so we can get feedback about the UX, and talk with you about payment options.
To mock up a Paid App, Toggle the Paid Subscription switch on and enter the price users would pay monthly to use the App.
Can users download the App's Grasshopper source code?
Toggle the Allow GHX Download switch on to allow users who purchase/get an App to also have access to it's underlying source code - a .ghx file. Using Visibility and Pricing settings lets you share your App openly for others to use (Free as in Beer); the Open Source setting lets you share the logic that makes your App run (Free as in Speech).