Editing/Managing Data
Thread does not currently support jagged, or ragged arrays. If you have issues uploading data, open the csv in your preferred spreadsheet software (Excel or Sheets) and check for empty cells.
Data editing is mostly managed through the CSV upload and download process. The default behavior simply adds new entries to the existing Data Set data during a CSV upload.
Delete all Data Before Upload
Check the "Delete previous data before upload" option before selecting your CSV to clear out the Data Set before dropping in your new data.
Selective Add/ Override
You can also selectively add and override existing data during your upload. Thread stores its own unique IDs for Entries and uses these to track whether data is an add or an override.
To override some or all Entries, download a CSV of your existing data on the Data Set Entries page. It will come with a THREAD ID
Entries with no
will be added as new data.
Last updated