Upload to Mirar
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Rhino Upload user object allows you to upload your model with layers, colors and object names to Mirar with minimum inputs.
Sign in to your account using the Authenticate component
Specify new or existing Project Name
Specify new or existing Model Name
Select Geometry you wish to upload. You can set any type of geometry here, but only meshes, breps and curves will be uploaded to Mirar. The Upload Message panel provides information about the uploaded geometry.
Use Boolean Toggle to upload your model
This option allows more control over the model and the scene that will be uploaded to Mirar. It gives you options to create different types of geometry and organize it in groups, assign new materials and attributes, as well as set up views.
Once you are logged in and have access to your projects, you can start to define a new model to upload. The first step is to convert Grasshopper Geometry to Spectacles Geometry using one of the Geometry types.
In this example the Create Mesh component is used to convert a Grasshopper mesh into a Spectacles Mesh, however there are multiple supported types.
Create Colored Polyline
Create a Spectacles polyline from a grasshopper polyline and a list of colors.
Create Curve
Create a Spectacles Curve from a Grasshopper Curve.
Create Mesh
Creates a Spectacles mesh from a grasshopper mesh.
Create Mesh Face Colors
Create a Spectacles Mesh with colored faces.
Create Mesh Mapped
Create a mesh element with an image mapped on to it.
Create Mesh Vertex Colors
Create a Spectacles Mesh with colored vertices from a Grasshopper mesh that contains colors.
Create Point Cloud
Create a Spectacles Point Cloud from Grasshopper points, colors and sizes.
Create Surface
Create a Spectacles Surface from a Grasshopper Surface. Currently, trimmed surfaces and Breps are not supported.
Though this is not a required step, materials can also be defined for the mesh. Depending on the Mesh type that is selected from this list above, this can be applied as mesh properties. Or in this case a material assigned to each unique object where the area is being remapped to gradient setting the color for a Lambert material.
There are two surface material types and one curve stroke type in Mirar.
Create Curve Stroke
Create a curve stroke definition combining weight, color, and dash pattern. Feed this in to a Spectacles Curve component.
Create Lambert Material
Creates a non-shiny mesh material.
Create Phong Material
Create a shiny mesh material.
In addition to materials, attributes can be added to the geometry. These can be any text or numeric property assigned to a Name (key). When you select an element in the web viewer, its attributes are shown in the Element Properties window. If these keys are shared between multiple objects, the values can be used to color the attributes in the viewer.
Preset Views can be defined by an origin and target point and are then accessible in the Mirar viewer.
With these properties assigned to the list of geometries the geometries need to be converted into model.
A Create Model component takes the list of geometry and identifies the object to be uploaded.
Groups (not shown) can be used prior to a Create Model to define disconnected objects which are meant to be selected together.
The Model Upload component lets you to create a new model to upload the geometry to or specify existing one in your project. The model can be uploaded to Mirar with a Boolean Toggle.
Create Model
Create a Spectacles model - a set of Mirar elements that describes one Mirar model.
Model Upload
Upload your geometry with attributes to Mirar by specifying the Project and new or existing Model name.
Create Group
Create a Mirar Group. Groups can be added to collections, and enable multiple elements (meshes, surfaces, curves, etc.) to be nested within one selectable object. When any object in the group is clicked, the entire group will be selected and the attributes from this component will be displayed.