Mouse & Keyboard Navigation
Arrow Keys
Nudge the model in the relative direction
Space Bar
Activate the current selection
Jump between menus
Mouse Button Left
Click, Hold, and Drag the mouse to Pivot
Mouse Button Right
Click, Hold, and Drag the mouse to Pan
Mouse Button Center
Click, Hold, and Drag the mouse to Zoom
Mouse Scroll Wheel
Menu Items
Zoom Selected
When clicked, zooms to the selected Object in the Model Viewer window
Zoom Extents
When clicked, zooms to the extents of all objects in the Model Viewer window
When clicked, click any two vertices of the mesh to measure the distance between.
Viewer Settings
Click to open up the Viewer settings as outlined below.
Download Data
Mirar Data and element IDs can be downloaded to a csv file. This file is designed for usage with Thread.
Viewer Settings
Project Viewer Options
Sets which panels are available in the model options menu. These can be used to curate the navigation experience for team members. Each check box corresponds to a Panel described in the Model Organization page and the Measurement toggles the measure tool described above.
Sets the overall appearance of the scene and illumination of the model.
Toggle between different units for Measurement
Hovering and Tooltips Options
Hover Tooltip displays an attribute that you specify from the list of attributes in the current project. Enter an attribute you wish the tooltip to display in the provided field:
Locking a Model Layer in the Models and Layers panel will deactivate a tooltip when hovering over the objects on that layer as well as restrict the ability of those objects to be selected:
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