Migration from CORE.Loader

Packages migration phases

Testing Phase

Identify Application packages
  1. Collect all the Application names in the target environment.

  2. Record the Application names in the google spreadsheet. Please place the package names on the top row.

  3. Identify the unique .dlls of each Application package, and record the .dll names in the google sheets. Please place the .dll names on the left first column.

* If the google spreadsheet doesn't exist, please create one and update the google sheet list below.

The google sheets of environments:

Identify Dependency packages
  1. Collect all the .dlls from each Application in the target environment and record the .dll names in the corresponding google sheet. Please place the .dll names on the left first column.

  2. If a dll is being used by more than one package it should be considered a dll asset of a dependency package, unless the dll is not developed by CORE and installed from the third-party sources.

  3. Find the other shared .dlls that always go with this shared dll, and altogether they should be defined as one dependency package. We should make each dependency package as lean and modular as possible to avoid exceeding amount of dependency packages on Drop.

The google sheets of environments:

Create Dependency packages on Drop
  1. Decide and choose the installation target location for the assets of the Dependency package.

  2. For each CORE dependency package, the name convention should be CORE.[Package name].[Environment name Initial] E.g. -> CORE.Library.Rhino.Common.GH. Set the version to 1.0.0.

  3. For each Non-CORE dependency package, the name convention should be [Nuget package name].Common.[Environment name Initial]E.g. -> Newtonsoft.Json.Common.GH. Set the version to 1.0.0

  4. Please click here to find more details of creating a Dependency package on Drop!

Create Application packages on Drop
  1. Decide and choose the installation folder of where all of your assets would need to be installed. You can add more than one Dependency package as well as multiple target locations. You should deploy the Dependency packages to the folders where the Application package can find and resolve.

  2. For each CORE Application package, the name convention should be CORE.[Application package name].[Environment full name] E.g. -> CORE.Aserisk.Grasshopper. Set the Version to match the production package version in CORE.Loader. Set the package to be WIP.

  3. If there is a same Application package already deployed to Drop, please contact Drop Team. The strategy would be:

    1. Set the existing package to Private, consequentially the package which installed on users' machines will be silently removed along with its dll assets.

    2. Create a new Application package that has the correct name convention and correct version number on Drop.

    3. Create a Spark post to inform users with this change.

  4. If the Application package on CORE.Loader has a different installation destination than the currently decided installation path, create a .core package that matches the Drop package and deploy it to users' machines through CORE.Loader, so that its dll previously installed assets can be removed from users' machines quietly and simultaneously.

Identify power users.
  1. Use MySQL Workbench to access the usages and user data. Please ask Elcin for credentials!

  2. Simply input the environment name to get acquire each usage of CORE tools in that environment. Sum up the usages for each user and sort the users from most frequent to the least.

  3. You should see the top users who use the CORE tools in this environment most frequently, and they should be your power users.

  4. Please record the power users in the corresponding environment google sheets.

Grasshopper - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xbsQZn1MszheVWuMDL7UBaw4vTc84Z0GsxUcGjtLYck/edit#gid=580835514

Rhino - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ViGaxujxF8nkWQIiEMzErRXOEW6g8gdgCtN5X7P3pIg/edit#gid=1632365070

CSI - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1riguk_3qhErYWyEWIkrNIDjFMXBDOIyYpIQOQvh4bQc/edit#gid=1249744380

Tekla - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qmeh0lAvx7qcKJdogOmFKnZ3I-6TYMJJEhvaDZtVw8Y/edit#gid=1319830174

Engage with power users
  1. Please engage with power users through email and inform them about each update on Drop. The details of each update should be posted on Spark! Attach the Spark link in the email.

  2. Users won't normally respond to Email, so make sure to engage with them one on one. They'd normally respond quite quickly if you send them messages in Teams.

  3. Please record their user experiences and feedback on the corresponding environment google sheet.

Grasshopper - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xbsQZn1MszheVWuMDL7UBaw4vTc84Z0GsxUcGjtLYck/edit#gid=1886730071

Rhino - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ViGaxujxF8nkWQIiEMzErRXOEW6g8gdgCtN5X7P3pIg/edit#gid=1305559178

CSI - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1riguk_3qhErYWyEWIkrNIDjFMXBDOIyYpIQOQvh4bQc/edit#gid=822244902

Tekla - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qmeh0lAvx7qcKJdogOmFKnZ3I-6TYMJJEhvaDZtVw8Y/edit#gid=2002148593

Full Transition Phase

  1. Subsequently update the package as a non-WIP package by following the instructions provided here.

  2. Update the Spark page to inform Technical Staff of the ultimate migration of the package on Drop and the discontinuation of the release on CORE.Loader. Please find the Spark template here.

  3. Send an email to inform Technical Staff of the ultimate migration of the package on Drop. Please find the email template here.

  4. Schedule follow-up sessions for training and technical support as needed.

Last updated