Solution structure

A quick guide to how the current structure of Drop solution file looks like


Common dependency: CORE.Library, CORE.Library.UI, and the CORE.MVVM.Template.ViewModels for MVVM reference.


Contains unit tests, to develop much more powerful in future.


CORE.VersionBumper -> Run this file to automatically upgrade Drop version number.


Include the resources to initialize at the beginning of the Application.


Include Interface classes, Enum, Application constants for Model (MVVM) -> at the business logic level. These interfaces are to be injected into Model classes.

  • Authentication

  • Components -> Info of Package and Package Version

  • Container -> generic IoC container wrapper

  • Enums

  • EventArguments -> login & logout user information

  • PackageRepository

  • Serialization -> methods to serialize and de-serialize JSONs

  • Services -> Logging User actions in Drop

  • Settings -> User settings of Drop

  • Utilities


In addition to the Classes that implement the CORE.Drop.Interfaces:

  • Exception

  • Installer -> probably more appropriate name is WindsorInstaller, which registers Classes into "Singleton" or "Factory" automatically.

  • DropClient.cs -> Communicate with the Drop backend API

  • DropSetting.json -> contains repository information, and record Drop user settings.

  • RouteControllerSingleton.cs -> Singleton router class to parse the correct backend API endpoint url that responds with the desired data.


In short, this is View (MVVM). This contains the xaml files that altogether compose the Application user interface(UIUX).

  • Controls -> the designs of control components such as Package Card, News Card, Package Grid, and more.

  • Pages -> the designs of how Drop main tabs look and interact with users. Currently, up to the date this documentation is written, there are five tabs: Installed, Update, Explore, Settings, News.

  • ResourceDictionary -> a place where those reusable design templates live.


This is ViewModel (MVVM). VM acts as a bridge to connect both Model and View worlds, transfer data in-between.

  • Enums -> Constant values used in the ViewModels

  • Helpers -> Methods to Convert IPackage, IVersion, IDependencyPackage respectively to packageCardViewModel, VersionViewModel, and PackageDependencyViewModel. A Factory static class.

  • Installer -> WindowInstaller, to register Singleton and Factory classes.

  • Interfaces

  • Resources

  • Services -> Automatic Background Updater lives in this one.

  • TypedFactory -> Create ViewModels

  • ViewModels


Note: Install the version of Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects nuget package that matches with your working Visual Studio version. E.g.(Visual Studio 2019, I installed the Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects 1.0.2)

This is to create Drop .msi installer file.

Last updated