Git management


CORE.Drop.Desktop used git flow. In summary:

  • The main branch is what's currently in production

  • The develop branch is the latest stable in progress branch. After every sprint, the develop branch is merged into main.

  • For each issue, a feature branch is created. Once the feature is complete, then a PR should be opened to develop and reviewed by a colleague.

  • The naming convention used for feature branches in CORE.Drop Desktop is dev_issueXX_shortSummaryOfIssue, where issueXX represents the issue number and shortSummaryOfIssue represents a short description of the issue (perhaps with inspiration from the name of the issue on github). Camel case is preferred for the summary. For example: dev_issue12_unitTestProject would be a good name for this issue.

  • A hotfix branch can be created directly from main and merged back to main through a PR. A hotfix is a small bugfix.

Git commits

Small atomic commits are helpful when debugging and understanding how the code has changed over time. It also helps if the commit is tagged with Github issues.

  • All commits should be tagged with the issue they are addressing

  • A meaningful commit message is mandatory

Code review / pull request

By having the habit of opening a PR before merging to master helps co-developers to review the code before it goes into production.

Last updated