Package Deployment

This document contains the protocol of deploying a package on Drop.

READ below:

  1. If this is an Application package ever made for the first time, then congratulations to you, you are about to release your first CORE App to production! Or if this is an update to an existing package in Drop, same congrats to you for improving the App better and fixing some of those nasty bugs! For both cases, please check the Create Application Package section below to find the particular instruction for your case.

  2. If your Application Package requires other external dlls that are not part of any Drop Dependency packages, please check the Create the Dependency Package section below to find the particular instruction for your case.

  3. If your Application Package requires to update existing dlls of an existing Dependency package, please check the Update the Dependency Package section below to find the particular instruction for your case.

  4. Once you have the Application package asset and the new dependency package asset zipped, you are ready to upload them to Drop! Simply find the Upload to Drop section to follow the instruction!

Grasshopper Dependency Checker Tool

Create Application Package

Create/Update an Application Package for Grasshopper
  1. Identify and separate the the dlls that serve exclusively for your Application and the common dlls that come from third-party libraries (such as Newtonsoft.json and CORE.Library). Please refer to this google sheet, and contact the Grasshopper dev lead to update the google sheet accordingly! Grasshopper dev lead should also update the Grasshopper Dependency Checker tool accordingly to reflect the latest relationships between packages.

  2. Download and use the Grasshopper Dependency Checker tool to find out what the dependency packages that your Application package might require by providing the list of common dlls. If you have new dlls that are not included in any of the existing Dependency packages, please follow the Create the Dependency Package below to find the particular instruction for your case.

  3. Please follow the zip folder structure to store your package assets -> All CORE GH tools will be deployed under %APPDATA%/Grasshopper/Libraries/TT folder. For better reference, please check out the image attached below.

  1. Continue to follow the Upload to Drop section below to upload the this Application to Drop.

Create/Update an Application Package for Rhino


Create/Update an Application Package for Tekla


Create/Update an Application Package for CSI


Create/Update an Application Package for Revit


Create Dependency Package

Create a Dependency Package for Grasshopper

Create a Dependency Package for Rhino


Create a Dependency Package for Tekla


Create a Dependency Package for CSI


Create a Dependency Package for Revit


Update Dependency Package

Update a Dependency Package for Grasshopper

  1. If you are here, we assume you already used the Grasshopper Dependency Checker tool. If not, please download the .gh file and use it to find out what existing Dependency packages that you can use on Drop for your Application package and if you need to create a new Dependency package from scratch!

  2. If you need to update an existing Dependency package, please use the same Grasshopper Dependency Checker tool to find out what the downstream Application packages and other Dependency packages that require this Dependency package.

  3. All new versions of a Dependency package should be backwards compatible to ensure that all Application packages that rely on an earlier version can still properly function. Please coordinate with the Grasshopper dev lead Sergey Pigach to test the backwards compatibility.

  4. Please follow the Upload to Drop section below to upload the Dependency package to Drop.

Update a Dependency Package for Rhino

Update a Dependency Package for Tekla

Update a Dependency Package for CSI

Update a Dependency Package for Revit

Upload to Drop

Upload new Dependency Packages

NOTE: Please discuss with the COER.Drop team and the corresponding dev lead before creating any new Dependency Packages!

Upload new Application Packages
  1. Click Upload Packages.

  1. Fill the required fields.

    1. Package Name (name convention: CORE + Application name + Environment name)

    2. Package Type

    3. Select the Platform (NOTE: If you cannot find the Platform type that you need, please contact CORE.Drop team in the Drop slack channel asap!)

    4. Select the Platform Version (NOTE: If you cannot find the Platform version that you need, please contact CORE.Drop team in the Drop slack channel asap!)

    5. Upload Read Me File OR the text description

    6. Package thumbnail (Has to be the absolutely cool one!)

    7. Type of Deployment - choose Application

    8. Version Number

    9. Is This Work in Progress

    10. Release Notes (More info below)

    11. Upload Package File

    12. Package Dependencies

    13. Target Location

  2. Please input the version that matches your package project release version. Note: Version on Drop cannot be reversed, meaning the new version number cannot be smaller than the latest version number of the Application package. (E.g. If you have the latest Application package in 0.9.0, you cannot create a new version that is 0.8.0.) In case if you made an irreversible action, please contact the CORE.Drop team asap!

  3. For the pilot testing release: please set the Type of Deployment to Private, and enter the power user emails including the Project leader's email.

  4. For the production release: please set the Type of Deployment to Public, and set the domain to

Power Users Follow Up

Post Package Deployment on Drop

Title: Seeking Your Feedback on the Deployment of the [Environment name] Tools in CORE.Drop

Dear Power Users,

I hope this message greets you in good spirits. I'm reaching out today with the hope of tapping into your valuable insights regarding the recent deployment of the [Environment name] packages to our CORE.Drop system.

As the primary users of these tools, your insights are invaluable in helping us understand what works, what doesn't, and what could be improved. We are committed to constantly enhancing the quality and effectiveness of our tools, and your feedback is a critical part of this process.

We are interested in your thoughts on:

  1. The overall user experience of the new tools.

  2. The usefulness and functionality of the tools in your daily tasks.

  3. Any difficulties, bugs, or glitches you've experienced.

  4. Any features you feel are missing or could be improved upon.

Your feedback can be as detailed or as general as you like - every bit of information helps! Please feel free to share your thoughts by replying to this email. I will also follow up with you on Teams!

Lastly, we'd like to extend our heartfelt thanks to you for your continued support and engagement. Our power users are a vital part of our ongoing development, and we appreciate your willingness to help us make CORE.Drop the best it can be.

We eagerly look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

[Your Name] [Your Position]

Last updated