Create a package

Pack 'em Up

Since questions regarding to how to zip your assets often come up, here are the steps.

Find the package assets on your local machine, and zip them! Be noted that different ways of zipping your assets can affect the ultimate installed location of your assets. Please expand and review each of the possible scenarios below, and choose one of the scenarios.

Scenario A
  1. You selected all of your assets

  2. You right clicked somewhere blank

  3. You choose Send to Compressed Folder

  4. You named the generated zip file

Inside of your zip file might look like this:

Install directory -> %AppData%\Grasshopper

If this is the case, all of the asset files will be directly copied inside the Grasshopper folder.

Scenario B
  1. You created a folder named "test"

  2. You selected all of your assets and moved them inside the "test" folder

  3. You right clicked on the "test" folder icon

  4. You selected Send to Compressed Folder

  5. You name the generated zip file

Inside of your zip file might look like this, test\assets...:

Install directory -> %AppData%\Grasshopper

If this is the case, "test" folder will be created inside of the Grasshopper folder, and it contains all the asset files. The directory would look like %AppData%\Grasshopper\test

Scenario C

-> -> You selected all of your assets and moved them inside the "test" folder -> You right clicked on the "test" folder icon -> Send to Compressed Folder -> name the generated zip file.

  1. You created a folder named "grasshopper"

  2. You created another folder named "test"

  3. You selected all of your assets and moved them inside the "test" folder

  4. You right clicked on the "test" folder icon

  5. You selected Send to Compressed Folder

  6. You name the generated zip file

Your zip folder structure might look like Grasshopper\test\assets....

Install directory -> %AppData%\Grasshopper

If this is the case, Grasshopper will be ignored since Grasshopper already exists in the install directory path, and a "test" folder will be directly created inside the existing Grasshopper folder with all the assets inside.

Log In

Visit Drop at:

Once logged in, click your profile icon and select Profile:

Then click on My Packages:

Finally you will see an "Upload New Package" button under the "my package" page if you have"Uploader" permission.

If you don't have permission to upload packages, please contact CORE studio member Emil Poulsen( and Yankun Yang (

Check Dependency Packages

If your application package requires any commonly shared CORE libraries or dlls that might also be used in other CORE packages, there is a big chance the dependency packages already exist on Drop. Make sure to search for such package, or simply yell on slack and ask the team to confirm the existence. However, if by any chance they don't already exist, make sure to upload the dependency packages first and then your application package. The process to upload either Dependency or Application is the same, simply follow the steps below.

Package Upload Interface

Fill in package-related information. Fields such as name, description, thumbnail image, and target location are required.

  • Package Name: Required

  • Package Keywords: optional

  • Platform: Required. Specifies the platform which this app will be based on

  • Platform Version: Required

  • Read Me or Description: Optional

  • Git Repository Link: Optional

  • Short Description: Optional

For platform or platform version that doesn't exist in the dropdowns, please contact Drop Admins.

  • Version Number: Required. The version number is generated automatically by default and can be overwritten by the package uploader. Currently Version Number supports the format as: Major.Minor.Revision, e.g. 1.0.0

  • Is This Work In Progress: Required.

  • Release Notes: Optional.

  • Package File: Required. A zip or rar file that contains dlls for this package version.

  • Package Dependencies: Optional. When specified, dependency packages will be installed together with this package.

  • Target Location: Required. The directory where the package file will be unzipped to.

After upload

Once a package is uploaded, you can see it under the list of "My Packages".

For package files, only zip or rar formats are supported.

Last updated