Automated Update


  1. How does Automatic Update work, if there is this function implemented?

  2. What are included in the automated update?

  3. Can users stop the automated update, how do they do that?

  4. Do users have control over particular updates / apps?

  5. If users do have control over shutting off automated updates for particular apps, how do they receive update notifications for those apps and manually update them in future?

---- Adobe Cloud ---- Update apps in background automatically: The Creative Cloud desktop app can update your apps automatically as soon as new versions are released.

Update particular app in a customized manner: You can also control auto-updates for individual apps.

Change Automatic Settings to keep previous version: Previous versions are uninstalled by default but you can opt to keep them using the Advanced options.

How to switch automatic updates off for particular packages in adobe cloud: Auto-update -> To set automatic updates for all apps Toggle-on or Toggle-off -> to set a particular app to automatically update or manually update

Advanced Options -> for a particular app, to keep/remove previous version

If the automated update is turned off, user can manually click "check for updates" to filter out the apps that have available updates.

In the Updates List, there are only apps that have available updates will be displayed (This reflects the point we discussed earlier about having a "sort" button to show packages that have new updates on top)

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